
From strategic, to tactical, to operational and back again

When you think of Holland, you think of tulips, the afsluitdijk, Jan Smit and sustainable drinking cups. Sustainable drinking cups? Yes. Those from Mepal, in fact. For 70 years, they have been providing children with lunchboxes and your kitchen cabinets with handy storage boxes.

We like to describe Mepal as: sympathetic, surprising and modest. That goes for the Mepal products (all of which are equally smart and sustainable) and for their business practices. We walked into the main office in Lochem at the end of 2021 and had fun, as a duo, managing the HR department there for several months.

established years ago
countries for sale
0 +

The challenge

Even before a new owner stepped in and with it new (international) growth ambitions, Mepal had grown rapidly in a short time, from 50 to 130 employees. The HR department needed help in getting the basics right, but also in strategizing the future on a number of People topics.
A challenging job, precisely because of that combination of practical support and strategic advice. Fortunately, we like those jobs best.

The approach

Two Bunchmarkers performed the assignment together, totaling four days a week. This way, we were able to guarantee a lot of presence in Lochem and quickly interact with their incumbent HR advisor and management. Through this close collaboration, the assignment was quickly concrete, tasks were efficiently divided and we made speed.
We built the HR team and supervised the recruitment for a permanent HR manager. We also conducted the Bunchmark HR scan. With the outcome of this scan, we advised on the approach to key HR issues in light of Mepal’s continued growth.

To examine executives’ development issues in a structural way, an assessment coach, a member of our Bunch Community, stepped in to conduct several assessments.

In short, an assignment with strategic, tactical and operational elements.

"After the departure of 2 HR managers shortly after each other, Bunchmark managed to provide calm and stability on an interim basis to then help strengthen the HR team structurally. Upon completion of their interim job, we had a team ready for the challenges of a rapidly growing company."

Rutger de Korte

Managing director

OTHER customers
people plan & strategy
learning, development & leadership
meisje die aan het bellen is

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