People Plan & Strategy

The umbrella of all your people topics

The words say it; a strategy about people. What do you have to offer your employees, from their first day of work to their last? And what does your organization need? The People Strategy is the umbrella under which all people topics have a place. What you want is for this umbrella to match your organization’s goals, bring your strategy to life and be supported by your employees. In other words, that your strategy becomes a reality.

‘Copy-pasting is pointless. Your promise is the reason employees choose your organization and not everyone else!

Auke Swinkels


Your people vision – your brand

That it is important to get your HR department in order to pursue your growth ambitions is obvious. Gone are the days when only salary and bonuses were enough to attract and retain the right people.

Make sure that you have a rock-solid promise to your current and future employees, also known as an EVP (Employer Value Proposition). Your EVP is not just about an awesome VrijMiBo and ping pong table. It deals with all the topics of your People Strategy; culture, salary, development opportunities, engagement, onboarding, coaching, etc.

Rules for Success

Think about your individuality, copy-pasting is pointless and even harmful. How then? Ensuring that:

  • it’s worthiness;
  • holds for a longer period of time;
  • appealing to your target audience(s);
  • unique in its kind.

It is why employees choose your organization and not everyone else!

Our approach

Putting down the vision helps create a clear people plan to make it a reality. We don’t like it when beautiful words remain in the drawer – after all, that would be a waste of all the beauty you have to offer.

  • Touch down
    To properly capture the DNA of your organization, we like to extract wisdom from your people. After all, they know the organization best. We do this through a survey. We often enrich the results with workshops to make everything concrete. The outcomes form the basis of your employer brand and and associated people plan.
  • Create
    With the current situation clearly in view and business objectives in hand, we create a gap analysis. Together we determine what is needed to align the people plan with growth ambitions. We will make a recommendation and list priorities and actions for you.
  • Implement
    Together we determine concrete steps and how to implement them. We move to implementation of processes and tools to take the People Plan off paper and make it come alive. Then we hand the baton over to the organization to take it forward ourselves.

People scan – where does HR stand?

Do you already have your People Strategy in focus, and are you especially curious about which HR topics need attention in your phase of growth?

If so, we’ll look for answers to your questions using the Bunchmark People Scan. We look from the strategic layer to the executive processes to get a clear picture: what lies ahead in terms of HR in your organization.


This is how we did it at

People plan & strategy
People plan & strategy