Refugee Talent Hub

Actually, it was love at first sight when we sat across from Refugee Talent Hub, immediately captivated by their passion, energy and ambitions. And that came in handy, because we, Bunchmark, were looking for a fine organization with issues to which we could contribute without being paid.

We started the collaboration with RTH because, on a different playing field, we share the same mission; to create an equal and inclusive context where people are given opportunities and can use their talents to the fullest. How did we shape that in 2022?

Learning, Development & Leadership
Culture & Change
corporate partners
refugees found jobs in 2022
0 +
annual events

Values session

With the entire team, we set to work to capture the values of RTH. From the written and unwritten rules, we explored together what can be found above and below the water line. Then, in groups, we further developed these into the values that now adorn everything and give a lot of meaning, both internally and externally, to what is important to the Refugee Talent Hub. From this session, in addition to the values, a beautiful manifesto emerged.

Organization chart & job descriptions

A growing organization also requires clear roles and clearly writing down who is responsible for what. We helped the Refugee Talent Hub write down and further clarify all the functions in the different teams.

DISC team session

With the new job descriptions in place, we set out with the team to take a look at everyone’s individual talents and pitfalls. Using DISC, we looked at each preferred behavior and translated that into a use case. Now everyone knows from each other what energizes, where the red button is, and there is a desire to learn even further in it. The warm compliment shower that everyone handed out to each other exactly how we experience the collaboration with Refugee Talent Hub, warm, encouraging and making space for each other.

That tastes like more in 2023!

OTHER Customers
Job Matrix & Reward
learning, development and leadership
meisje die aan het bellen is

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